Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Academic Update

We have been working very hard in kindergarten. Most of the students are able to say their letter sounds, with the help of  clues from the actions.  The letter "i" sound is the most troublesome so far.  Please have your child demonstrate these sounds when the sound books go home and any unfinished pages in the duotang can be coloured.  If the page has a sticker it is complete.  We have finished our "Exploration Alphabet Book," in which the students had fun with different media for that particular letter.  The books will go home as soon as we can get them put together.  Binding them is an onerous task. In math we have covered all our numbers to ten and many students can print them all and match the corresponding amount, work in this area will continue throughout the year.  This month we are doing a bit of measuring with non standard units as well as a bit of patterning, to go along with our number practice. Keep up the great work kinders!!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Jolly Phonics

Well we are well on our way in our Jolly Phonics program. Most students are catching on to the letter sounds and some students are able to blend sounds together already to form words!!  I must say that all the students seem to enjoy our phonics lessons! Please go over the sounds with your child when they bring their sound books home and also catch up on any colouring that needs to be done with sound picture sheets.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Halloween photos

Here are some highlights of our Halloween celebration!

Christmas card art

The children are very excited to have finished their Christmas Card Art.  Have a look and place your order!

Monday, 21 October 2013

This month in kindergarten we have been learning a lot about shapes and most children are showing that they know their basic shapes.  We have also moved on to number and the students are learning to relate an amount to the written numeral.  We are in the early stages of the alphabet which focuses most on experiences with the alphabet and recognizing some letters in their own names.  As your child starts to write his/her name at home please encourage lower case letters except for their initial letter, this is new for many students.  The full day is starting to feel normal to the children as they settle into our routines.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Welcome to my blog.  I am planning to keep an updated calendar of events for our class, including; show and share students, roster parents, important events and activities.  Please check this calendar regularly. I will also post a link to monthly newsletters.  I am hoping to post pictures of special events from time to time as well.